End of Year Message from Helping Other People Endure LLC

Purple Orchid - Helping Other People Endure

Helping Other People Endure, LLC. Has had its challenges in 2020 the same as everyone else. Nevertheless, we have maintained our ability to stay mission focused:

To reach out to parents, families and individuals offering H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Endure, LLC) by Encouragement, Networking and Information Sharing with an emphasis on Spirituality and Well-being all through our love for Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. In past years our service was manifested by having free monthly sessions where we greeted attendees in a conference room setting where they enjoyed a full course catered dinner. There they listened to informative and encouraging speakers from a range of topics to include, but not limited to, health maintenance, investing, real estate, and overcoming adversity. In addition to our monthly sessions, we also conducted sporadic “H.O.P.E. Synergy Meetings” where individuals meet on occasion in small groups to network and encourage one another.

Over the years I have appreciated hearing success stories from past event participants where they shared stories of how their attendance at our events have lead to meaningful personal or business connections, the gain of valuable life enhancing information and/or have benefited them or their family members in other meaningful and unmeasurable ways.
We also conducted other endeavors that benefited people in need. For two consecutive years we held a fundraising event, referred to as our “Divine Night of H.O.P.E. “event. We were fortunate to have many impressive community leaders, businesses, and volunteer supporters to help us to make our events, even with the very meek revenue gains, a huge success. This support allowed us to cover some of our operating cost and contribute to our continued efforts to help others. Nonetheless, as with any company, we have had to review our business acumen for continued success. The challenge in 2020 was to stay productive while unfortunately being overwhelmed by the circumstances of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Although most of the time Helping Other People Endure, LLC. efforts Seem minuscule like “a little fish in a huge sea” when it comes to being an entity that is making a difference. Yet we remained determined to try and make a positive impact regardless of how small it might be. Therefore, when the pandemic first hit, in March our effort was to try and locate the almost obsolete, yet truly needed Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for some of our local healthcare workers. We contacted many sources that at one point looked fairly promising, but did not materialize. So, we continued to address needs in our community by establishing a small giving campaign for a local Christian non-profit faith-based organization. Later in the year we were able to initiate a School Supply Drive through a local organization that serves homeless and at-risk youth.

Lastly, Helping Other People Endure, LLC. was also successful in connecting and fostering networks for the distribution of food to needed families within Loudoun County, which included coordination from a local Church and support from a very accomplished and recognizable Global Christian Humanitarian Organization. With so many people in need, we truly wish we were able to do even more. Yet, we are still very thankful to God for the consequential opportunities to help and encourage others, especially in such parlous times. We hope that this message reminds you that we can each make a positive difference and brings you encouragement as we all look towards 2021!

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